How to Choose the Right LED Canopy Lights?

LED (light-emitting diodes) lights are rapidly growing in popularity and can be installed for both commercial and personal use. The reasoning behind their surge in popularity is clear – LED bulbs are bright, energy-efficient, and long-lasting, meaning they do not need to be replaced regularly. In fact, the average LED bulb can last for up to 100,000 hours of continuous operation.

Furthermore, with companies across the world gradually taking steps towards becoming greener, installing eco-friendly bulbs instead of traditional bulbs will always be a smart and economic decision.

However, there are various different versions of LED lights available on the market. This includes mini LEDs (used in mobile phones), high-energy bulbs (car headlights),  LED tube lights, and LED canopy lights.

LED canopy lights can be used in a number of commercial settings where quality lighting is important but tend to be used most prominently in:

  • Gas stations
  • Shops
  • Restaurants
  • Bars
  • Cafes
  • Hotels
  • Warehouses
  • Factories
  • Walkways

With so many different products available, it can be hard to decide exactly which LED canopy lights are right for your business. That’s where this guide comes in. With that in mind, here are some things you should consider when purchasing or installing LED canopy lights.

The size of the area in which you need lighting. In Gas stations, quality lighting is essential as it helps to keep those using the facilities safe. It can also help to attract more customers as it makes your business appear more secure. Therefore, it is important that you ensure your canopy lighting keeps the entire property well-lit, as opposed to just specific areas. This means that you will have to install larger lights or simply a few more of them. Smaller areas, such as outdoor dining facilities at restaurants, will require less lighting overall.

The size of the area in which you need lighting

The luminance of the bulbs. Again, the brightness of the bulbs will make a huge difference to how your property or business appears visually. While areas should be well-lit, you also need to ensure that the bulbs are not too bright in a way that could make them distracting to passing drivers or motorists, as this could lead to accidents. However, you should also ensure that they make your premises seem appealing – especially if you are open 24/7. The right lighting can let your customers know you are open for business.

Your environmental policy. Switching to LED bulbs is a great way to improve your company’s environmental policy, which, in turn, can make you appear more attractive to consumers. This is particularly important as consumer habits prove that clients favor companies with strong eco-policies instead of those without them. When having your lights installed, be sure to speak to your provider to ensure that you are not only choosing the lights that are best for your business but lights that are also best for the planet. For example, in some cases, it may be possible to sacrifice some luminance in favor of a more energy-efficient bulb.

The shape of the bulbs. Depending upon the structure of your canopy, you may need to install different shaped bulbs in order to provide your customers with proper lighting. The most common types of shapes include square and round LED canopy lights, though alterations can be made based upon your specific requirements.

The company you work with. When undergoing any renovations on your property, including lighting installation, it is important that you work alongside the right company and do not attempt to undergo the work yourself. Not only could this be potentially hazardous, but it also will slow down the rate of project completion. For example, at Malik Electric, our team of experts have years of industry experience and knowledge, meaning they can perform quick, efficient, and safe installations – even if you have never had LED lighting installed before. They will also work closely alongside you to ensure your lighting is energy-efficient.

They are an important investment. As LED bulbs are relatively new compared to more traditional forms of lighting, they can occasionally come with an additional expense. As a result, you may feel as though they are not the best choice for your business – especially if you are trying to reign in your spending. However, not only are they becoming vastly more affordable, the price tag is accompanied with the promise that the bulbs will last a long time. For example, they can burn for 11 years of continuous usage. While the installation may be an additional cost, you are clearly saving money in repairs and replacements – while also future-proofing your business.

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